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Merry Yool !

Seems I can't load pictures here anymore only using my computer, but have to use Picasa or other to load those pictures. Since that is sort of risky (phishing, spam, you know), I may be forced to close down this blog. A pity that Google wanted to start a sort of control of us users. I wish'em guys good luck having more users that way!


The 2012 Fall Collection

Supermodels: Mrs Pypo JR and Mr Pypo JR


Why Size Of Breasts Matter...

The new and probably wrong explanation here:


My own theory:

In ancient times there were much the same clothes for each sexes, and the clothes covered most of their bodies with little difference by the clothes way of hanging downward - except for the breast part for the females. Since nobody cut their hair, this difference was important especially when there were little daylight, like in dense forests and in northern areas. Otherwise the men had difficulties finding the females that would stand out in a crowd - to mate with. Choosing an other man in a hasty time with harsh competition could be devestating (both could easily be killed or seriously injured in a rage when they got furious...)

Evolution forced men to choose the women with bigger breasts to get more offsprings than other men. Naturally selection towards bigger bossoms. Of course the reward were also other benefits that would follow along to better keep the couple together to give the offsprings an edge compared with other offsprings, like the article mention, but the main reason for bigger breasts is probably the important first visually contact between a man and a woman. Love at first glance, you know...


Early Way Of Living At Bismo

This I found at a secluded part of the woodland belonging to the Bismo area. The way of stacking together branches or sticks to bring shelter could be more than a million years old. Early landslides of stone materials near the foot of mountains because of a fault or quake in some parts of Africa could spontaneously have made a similar shaped formation by stones that were split at the foot of a mountain. Human ancestors may have seeked refuge there, and after a while exchanged the stones with branches and/or sticks and other materials like clay to make a better shelter.

This technology were developed further and brought to other places on earth. We see the similarity with Native Americans' tipi and the Sami people's gamme today.

The continued use of trees and logs this way early on may have meant depletion of woodland when there were fast population growth. Waterways like small rivers or streams got more important to bring the timber from distant places to populated areas. Obstacles like big rocks and  rockcovered slopes into the waterways were removed to get the logs easier to the areas. The main rivers to bring logs got deeper.

With the agriculture and rows of farms water from smaller rivers or brooks were brought to the grown plants at connecting fields without dividing brooks, so much of the water draining from these farms must have been collectively gathered and brought together away from the farms instead of being split into different streams (why should the early farmers bother with what happened to the water that were drained from their farms, after their plants of growth got their sufficiant part of water?). This resulted in more powerful fewer rivers, and many kinds of problems we see today.

Thick swampy ground in some part of woodland, like at Bismo, among bigger rocks, shows that there must have been periods with floods that caused difficulties to the early farmers and other people, when there were much snow that rapid melted or when there were heavy rainfalls. When the rivers got still deeper and powerfull, this problem of flooding was somewhat reduced, I guess.

More connected farmland and reduced areas of wetland and fewer, smaller rivers or brooks in our modern times, means that we again are more vulnerable of flooding (like in Russia we have seen lately). So it is important that we begin to divide our waterways much more to restore wetlands where possible, and divide waterways leaving farms and water power plants, and if necessary make artificially underground water ways even outside the densely populated ares.


Nature In Bismo Area

Some peculiar triangular shaped snow left in the mountains - melt water flowing at high speed downward to Otta river.
Just a little of the melt water is used to make electricity, though. But lead to Otta river, so it will collect an exaggerated amount of water in addition to the many sources of water elsewhere.

This resulting in too much noise from the river, making it impossible to sleep in a tent nearby (I tried and failed!) So a dividing and regulation of the river Otta in different smaller streams near Bismo should be a part of a nature plan there.
Further in the plan there should be still ponds based on man-made deep backstream channels leading from the river to the foot of the hills and mountains. Then beavers, that probably were part of the Bismo area earlier, should be re-introduced to the ponds near tight woodland, so there would be more biological diversity and stable climate there, instead of sudden windy, rainy and frosty conditions there today.
Other regulations, like fish ladders, could be introduced in the plan, especially if more power plants are put in work.

See these sources of interest:


People In Bismo Area

Near Nordberg School, at the the less traveled road, is this memorial pilar in honour of Sylvester Sivertson, the great poet!

The country festival at Skjaaköygarden (Nordberg) this year featured Joy, Steffen and Becky among many more.


The Gaping Truth !

Yours truly (Me) and not unknown Becky H... at a country festival earlier this Summer!


Have A Rocky Summer 2012 !!!

Remember to shake too!

Phuuu! A country for old men (like me in the picture), luckily!


Getting Wiser And Older

Are not without benefits, but to get wisdom, you have to work hard, and you must be openminded all the time you read a book etc. Getting old (like me in the picture today) happens by itself (hale... what a miracle?!) Life is full of mysteries, but I prefer to find the natural and scientific reasons behind it all.

Of course there could be some overlap of what we find to be impossible, like some quantum weirdnesses, and some spiritual attached streams. Flickering energies following some kind of patterns that won't be erradicated by time or any means we know of today. Those energies are like a bunch of thoughts in our minds, but won't have any consciousness by themselves (without the brain cells working with those energies). Perhaps similar streams of such energies could be enforced by attaching to each other, and further by putting itself into a living beeing with a nervous system and become a part of that living beeing. A lot of speculations by that theme are possible, and that may get us closer to hypotheses that may be testable one day. I hope people begin to turn their back away from some dogmatic sentences in so called "holy books" and use their own mind and imagination that is more in harmony with science and our born nature evolutioned through eons of time -to come closer to what makes up an universe.

Every Living Beeing

Should be born free like a bird, but no one have to follow the "flow" in every which way. Unjustified cultural, social, religious or political pressure (not only through twitter, you know...) is often forced upon people that really have a somewhat different opinion. Majority rules you may say are democratic, but only if those rules are not totally propaganda with a not true message and denying the BASICS of the minorities (or for that matter; even some majorities). Having the BASICS in place, we are free to do whatever we like to do (critisize etc) within natural limits.

How the picture was made by computer programme alone and saved  by Hoversnap:

rem Welcome to the world of Geesls
rem Written in yabasic (from wwww.yabasic.de)
rem Free of use (or no use)
rem Depending on the size of your screen...
open window 1400,700
clear screen
for i=0 to 700
for j=0 to 1400
rem feel free to choose other (symmetric) values of x and y
while (c>16.0)
rem Feel free to choose other colors
if (c>0.000 and c<0.025) then
if (c>0.025 and c<0.050) then
if (c>0.050 and c<0.075) then
if (c>0.075 and c<0.100) then
if (c>0.100 and c<0.125) then
if (c>0.125 and c<0.150) then
if (c>0.150 and c<0.200) then
if (c>0.200 and c<0.250) then
if (c>0.250 and c<0.300) then
if (c>0.300 and c<0.350) then
if (c>0.350 and c<0.400) then
if (c>0.400 and c<0.450) then
if (c>0.450 and c<0.500) then
if (c>0.500 and c<1.000) then
if (c>1.0 and c<2.0) then
if (c>2.0 and c<4.0) then
if (c>4.0 and c<6.0) then
if (c>6.0 and c<8.0) then
if (c>8.0 and c<10.0) then
if (c>10.0 and c<11.0) then
if (c>11.0 and c<12.0) then
if (c>12.0 and c<13.0) then
if (c>13.0 and c<14.0) then
if (c>14.0 and c<15.0) then
if (c>15.0 and c<16.0) then
rem colour choice
colour coa,cob,coc
rem color to draw with
line p1,q+d to p2,q+d
next j
rem copy this sheet in txt-file in same drawer as your yabasic programme
rem use save as to make an yab-file of the txt-file by adding .yab at the end of the txt-file name
rem if you modify x and y in the txt-file, use save as for a new txt-file of different name, if you
rem don't want to overwrite the original txt-file, then add .yab as mentioned with the first txt-file
rem use Hoversnap like I mentioned earlier to keep a nice picture


The Scent Of A Woman...

Some women activists here want muslim men and muslim women to pray together in their mosks...
But perhaps a sort of leash between the sexes is a practical solution...?


Rediscovery Of Subtle Details

"We have a divice" - the wellknown phrase of the sci-fi serial "7 Days" is repeated each time a new episode is being played. I love that phrase with a mellow soft female voice - I never tire of it. It's like my brain isn't capable of registre the whole range of vocals and consonnantes in utter details. Much the same goes for some female artists with a lot of variety in their voice - like Kate Bush and our own Lene Marlin... and an American artist I hope to see this year, but I prefer to keep her name not known to the public, in case she doesn't like it mentioned in my blog and would not want to see me if I reveal her name... but would feel a bit outlet if I had not included her somehow in my blog post here... phuuu! The artists are of course a sensitive group with special needs to put into consideration, some of us have learned. I've used this years ESC to prepare for my meeting with her and tried to learn how to behave better this time (it's not so easy to have better manner and politeness for a slob like me with no artists in my family and only working class background).

But don't worry about my minor problems; back to the main reason we prefer to see a film or hear a song over and over. It' s probably in the subtle details that we struggle to take into our brain to store there in with its coworking factors. A song artist can have a lot of difficult words to harmonize with the instruments beeing played - by clever placed chords, that may surprise the listener every time, so the song seem so fresh and delightfull ever time it's beeing played.

This view of mine that I have been wondering about for several years is finally given some support here:
